• Daily

    Drop Off

    9:00-9:15 am

    Pick Up

    2:15-2:30 pm

    Daily Supplies

    Children are asked to bring a backpack, snack, lunch, and lunch beverage, water bottle/sip cup, change of clothes including socks and nap mat, and one special item your child may need for napping.

  • Programs

    School Year


    Before & After School Care

    PDS provides before and after-school care & activities for enrolled students.

    We have partnered with local extracurricular activities such as Soccor shots and looking forward to adding more in om 2024-2025

    Summer ( Fun) School

    PDS Students are eligible to enroll in our new Summer Program

  • Tuition

    Monthly Tuition

    Payments are due on the first of each month

    2 Months - 4 Years

    2 days $360

    3 days $400

    4 days $475

    5 Years / Kindergarten

    4 days $500

    Interested in 1st Grade and more at PDS?


  • Fees


    Registration Fee

    $200 (Non-refundable)

    P.D.S. Families receive access to early registration and $50 off registration fee. Registration fees and May’s tuition must be paid to secure your child’s spot in the class.

    Supply fee

    2 days $150

    3 day $150

    4 day $200

Questions? We would love to hear from you!


Ages 2+

The Abeka Difference Our mission is to support and equip students, teachers, and parents by providing amazing Pre-K through Grade 12 academic resources based upon biblical values.


Ages | 1-2

Children who will be one by September 1st may enroll

Presbyterian Day School provides a safe, nurturing environment for your little ones. With an emphasis on colors, shapes, numbers, and language skills, They will assist in developing social skills and independence, which are valuable for social and emotional development.


Ages | 2

Children who will be two by September 1st may enroll

Presbyterian Day School provides a safe, nurturing environment for your little ones. With an emphasis on colors, shapes, numbers, and language skills, They will assist in developing social skills and independence, which are valuable for social and emotional development.


Ages | 4+

Children who will be four by September 1st to enroll

Pre-kindergarten classes provide a more structured environment while making learning fun! We focus on Kindergarten readiness, meeting diverse needs, and continuing to build literacy skills. We expand on subjects including science experiments and deep dives into topics that help them understand their world. This class offers multiple learning opportunities for academic growth and social-emotional readiness.


Ages | 3

Children who will be three by September 1st to enroll

For 3-year-olds, we focus on social-emotional development and routine. Incorporating short circle times and table work helps children learn to follow directions. Purposeful play and hands-on learning create opportunities to explore and discover.


Ages | 5

Children who will be five years old by September 1st may enroll

Following the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for Kindergarten, In addition to math and language arts ( major focuses of Kindergarten ), children also learn science, social studies, art, music, physical education, and life skills.

1st grade and beyond!


We want to grow and need to hear from you!